After a storm, new life

August 29, 2011

First and foremost, thank you for the birthday wishes! 29 is turning out to be pretty great so far.

In other news, Hurricane Irene came through here and left Philly with a flooding river. Other than that, we got out unscathed. We bundled down in South Philly armed with delicious food, knitting, the humor of Louis C.K., and crosswords (for me).

On Sunday morning, Kasy and I rode up to the banks of the Schuylkill River to see the flooding. These were taken at 9:30am and the waters rose even higher later in the day. I know that we’re lucky to not have any damage to our persons or our home and my heart goes out to those who are still dealing with damage, major flooding, injury, and the sad loss of loved ones. While the storm may have seemed like hype to a lot of people (myself included, as I pshawed the warnings expecting nothing more than the rain we did receive) it really did reek havoc in many communities and we are lucky it did not cause more damage and sadness than it did.

Hurricane Irene aftermath - Sunday 8/28/11 9:30am

Hurricane Irene aftermath - Sunday 8/28/11 9:30am

Hurricane Irene aftermath - Sunday 8/28/11 9:30am

Hurricane Irene aftermath - Sunday 8/28/11 9:30am

As parts of the city are still recuperating, we continued on with our home renovations today. I had scheduled some debris haulers to come in and remove demolition waste from the tear down of the back room (where the kitchen used to be). We’re going to be building a pretty excellent back porch in its place. Our trusty haulers came out and upon removing the ply-wood board we had covering the crumbling Sheetrock pile, they discovered a newborn kitten snuggled into the pile of debris. Now, I’ve had animals in my life every since I was a wee one, but this is by far the scariest, tiniest, animal I’ve ever had to handle. I was a nervous wreck. Luckily, I know some great people who are excellent foster parents for the strays and surrenders in our city, and I called one of them immediately after putting the kitten in a box with towels. My friend awesomely handled finding someone to come and pick up the wee kitty, have it checked out at PAWS and passed on to a wonderful foster parent who is well versed in bottle-feeding. It was a stressful few hours, friends, as this tiny life was in my hands and I felt helpless and worried.

debris kitten

I’m hopeful that this little hurricane babe survives, even though it was found relatively abandoned with eyes and ears closed and cord still attached. It is a cutie and deserves a lovely cat life, not on the mean streets of stray-cat-ville South Philly. It was also an interesting reminder at how tiny life can be and how tenuous it can be, and how scary change and the world can seem.

can you handle the cuteness?

4 Responses to “After a storm, new life”

  1. Bridget Says:

    I’m so proud of you! Please keep us posted on the kitten’s progress. I’ll bet it will take time, but soon it will be ready to be adopted. (And, who knows, maybe we need another hurricane kitty – that’s how we adopted GK …)

  2. Glad you’re OK, and yes — please keep us posted on Storm Kitty’s progress! How fortunate to have found it safely — seems like it so easily could have been crushed as things shifted about in the debris removal.

  3. Awww you found a hurrikitteh! I hope it gets stronger every day and has a long, happy, healthy life.

  4. April Says:

    Glad you weathered the storm alright.

    Sounds like the kitty had a rocky but much improved start.

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